Gerakan adopts 16-point declaration

(Bernama) — The Gerakan’s 40th National Delegates Conference (NDC) 2011 has adopted a 16-point declaration, encompassing socio-economic, politics and government matters.

The two-day NDC, which started at Menara PGRM here today, among others, had declared the abolishment of the Internal Security Act (ISA), Restricted Residence Act, Banishment Act and Proclamations of Emergency and Emergency Ordinance as auguring well with the country’s democratic progression and a step in the right direction.

The delegates however, said the two proposed new acts to replace the ISA should be clear and precise and not be used as a tool to stifle legitimate political dissent.

They also urged the government to establish a commission on national harmony and race relations to mediate on inter-religious and inter-ethnic issues and protect the rights of all Malaysians as enshrined in the Federal Constitution.

They also called on the government to move away from race-based assistance and programme to those based on needs and to embark on programmes that will no longer differentiate Malaysians based on skin colour, religion or creed and region of residence.

On politics, Gerakan delegates declared their stand that Barisan Nasional (BN) continued to transform itself to remain relevant, and that every member worked together, in the spirit of 1Malaysia and not sabotage one another, work more closely on resolving the problems of the people, and ensure that they were a coalition at all times.

On party matters, the 40th NDC declared that they would persist with reforming and rejuvenating Gerakan to ensure the party remained a relevant and viable political force; and articulate solutions that are non-racial and progressive, and be the voice and choice of all Malaysians.

It also urged all Gerakan leaders and members, at all levels, to put the people and the party above themselves, stay united and committed to the party’s ideology to overcome all challenges and strengthen the party.

Delegates to the NDC agreed to urge that the 2012 Budget be implemented efficiently and transparently, adding that they also welcomed the further liberalisation of 17 service sub-sectors.

The Declaration also called on the seventh National Key Results Area (NKRA) on tackling the rising cost of living to rapidly introduce measures to counter the steady increase in prices of essential foodstuff, goods and services.

On education, the delegates proposed that the government form a National Education Consultative Council with specific sub-committees to address concerns over the national education system to ensure it was relevant, holistic and inclusive.

On other matters, delegates also wanted to continuously and aggressively promote excellence, meritocracy and equal opportunities in public life so that the local talent could be retained, aside from luring back Malaysian talents overseas.

Gerakan delegates also urged the Parliamentary Select Committee on Electoral Reform to review the depth and breadth of the electoral system to ensure that there would be no further abuse to insulate the government from accusations of electoral fraud.

The NDC continues tomorrow.

Gerakan president Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon, in a press conference, said the declaration reflected the party’s determination to join forces in making the national transformation a success for the benefit of the people.

