It’s Muhyiddin who should be grateful

By Ali Kadir via The Malaysian Insider

You know elections are around the corner when the politicians start telling the electorate that we should be grateful for all the development around us. It is incredible that these Barisan Nasional (BN) politicians still make all these patronising noises, knowing full well how tired we are of listening to their rubbish.

But since we are on the subject of gratitude, let me offer a number of reasons why Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin (yesterday for the umpteenth time he advised Malaysians to be grateful) and friends should be grateful to us.

1. BN should be grateful that they are still occupying Putrajaya despite clear evidence of corruption, nepotism and cronyism at the highest levels of government, including members of the Cabinet.

So tolerant are Malaysians that we have put up with leakages, inflated contracts and ostentatious displays of wealth by members of the Mahathir administration, the Abdullah team and the Najib government. We have put up with all this corruption in the name of development. So Muhyiddin and friends should be grateful to us for our blind loyalty and apathy.

2. BN should be grateful to us for tolerating and even embracing mediocrity. Malaysia’s best and brightest are deserting the land of their birth as evidenced by a World Bank study which showed that more skilled Malaysians are working and living abroad.

And this brain drain has affected every level of society. Not surprising that we have the likes of Hishammuddin Hussein, Noh Omar, Kong Chong Ha as “our leaders” and continue accepting mediocrity as a fait accompli.

3. BN should be grateful to us for accepting stock and hollow answers to some serious questions such as who exactly ordered the RM24 million ring; how a lowly corporal was able to order riot police to fire tear gas and chemical-laced water into Tung Shin Hospital and how did we pluck out the figure of six per cent growth next year with the whole world preparing for economic Armageddon.

4. We should be grateful to Muhyiddin and friends for introducing race politics and playing the race and religious card at every turn and making Malaysia more divisive than ever. Thank you guys from the bottom of our hearts. We are grateful.

5. We are grateful to Muhyiddin and gang for flooding this land of ours with illegals and then giving them legitimacy for political purposes. The people of Sabah especially say a big thank you to you for completely swamping the state with foreigners.

6. We are grateful to BN for nurturing and developing individuals like Ibrahim Ali and Nazri Aziz. We would be a much poorer country without them.

In conclusion, we have much to be thankful to BN for. So let’s show them our gratitude soon.

