PRU 13: The Hudud Menace

By AsamLaksa

Once again religion rears its ugly head within the Malaysian political scene. Yeah, you heard me right, I said ‘UGLY’. Religion in the Malaysian political context is like the developmentally challenged sibling whom is in your mind every day and you would sacrifice your many comforts of life to care for but you would rather he/she not be seen by your friends. It’s like an embarrassment that you do not want to talk about.

Sure many Malaysian subscribe to the idea of ‘to each his own’ when it comes to religion but do not be so easily pleased in thinking that others have respect for your faith. It is really more like “go ahead believe in your delusions while I know better fool!” That is why this stand never pleases anyone.

One thing I can agree on with many commentators in Malaysia Today is that faith is personal. After all, each individual happens to have their own understanding on their own faiths, even within the same family. Don’t believe me? Then go question your family members. This is because of the human intellectual strength or some would say weakness, always seeks to find reasons and rationales. A simple case is when someone strikes 4D they would try looking for a reason for their windfall be it on something they did last week, a lucky underwear, that 10 sen they gave to the blind beggar, etc.. Sure they say it is luck to you because it avoids going into details but few if any will say that it is just an outcome of probability.

Now this point of humans always seeking an explanation is universal and I am ok with that. What I am not ok with is ridiculous reasons.

I was listing to BBC Radio 4 which broadcast ‘Thought for the Day’ where guest speakers almost always are religious figures. This one episode made me laugh like mad. It was a day or two after the neutrino misbehaved at the Large Hadron Collider and the speaker was going on about the scientists unable to explain the anomaly and here he comes and give his take that the answer is the metaphorical “elephant in the room” – God. Yes, God explains everything. You have stubby toes – it is God. You have a tiresome spouse – it is God’s will. Millions die from AIDS – it is God’s punishment. How did Homo sapiens arise – God created them. Your parent with cancer – God is testing you.

Now back in Malaysia and the ugly hudud issue. I say that all Malaysians should have their thoughts known. Just because it doesn’t directly affect non-Muslims doesn’t mean they have no say. This is your country and only you can decide if it goes to the dogs. The deafening silence does not help anyone and we let the hudud phantom skulk back into its cave to wait for another day to menace the peace loving citizens.

I also do not buy this political double talk that PAS needs 2/3 majority thus they have no chance to change the constitution this time around. It still does not let the issue rest. There is no closure and it will haunt PAS for eternity.

Nor do I buy the talk that hudud won’t be used as common law takes precedence which really means that we do not really need it but hey have it to please some people. Is that insulting their intelligence or what?

I have no ties to Islam thus I can easily ask pertinent questions without fear of the implications of the answers:

  1. Does Malaysia need hudud laws?
  2. Is there a gap in Malaysian law that hudud covers?
  3. Are hudud laws compatible with current values?
  4. Are hudud laws more effective than current laws?

If you can’t justify hudud law then why are you walking around with this millstone round your necks?

Ok, so I am an atheist. Before that I was simply a non-believer for many years. I flirted for many years with one religion or another but nothing stuck. Then 2 years ago I had a revelation – there is no God. It is one of the best things ever and I am a better person for it. You want to know why? It is because I feel free to explore all ideas and see the elephants that trail others; this makes me understand others better and I learn more. I find it easier to deal with my wrongs as I do not attach any artificial moral codes. I become less afraid of the dark and I owe no loyalty to any one idea. I do no harm because it is ethical and not because I wish to win some Golden Ticket to some fantasyland. Pascal’s wager and those ridiculous arguments for religion can go to hell because I am not hedging my principles and I am not fooled by circular arguments.

Now, I am not advocating atheism because there it is no use to tell others to break the fetters of culture and faith. It has to come from the person when they feel disillusioned and thus seek more answers. What I can preach to others is the need for them to widen their horizons and think for themselves. I pity those who spout “the truth is in the Book” because the real truth, the wonders of life is beyond any book.

Sure we can learn from religion. I like the concept of mindfulness and universal love. I say take the good and cast out the bad. What do I want? Good persons regardless of what you believe in. Individuals are the fundamentals of society and the more good persons out there the better society becomes. So start with yourselves. I was surprised at hearing a Christian that it is so hard to practice universal love. It is not hard nor is it about whether you can; it is whether you want to.

