The most cruel cut of ‘em all

Thomas Lee Seng Hock

As a father, my heart goes out to Lim Guan Eng whose teenage son is being politically abused by the cruel inhuman Umno and other upstart politicians.

It is surely sad that the Malaysian political culture has descended to such a low gutter level that a 16-year-old innocent boy’s life may be permanently damaged or even destroyed by the evil derogatory politicians who dragged him into a shameful circumstance with their mischievous wicked lies.

Such immoral morons should be politically castrated, and treated as beastly pariahs by all right-thinking and righteous persons for their extremely uncouth and uncivilized character and behavior, even if they have doctorate degrees or graduates of prominent prestigious universities like Oxford.

I know what it is to be falsely accused of something shameful like what the poor chap is subjected to, as I too had the misfortune of being a victim of such a cruel allegation. But being an adult, it was much more easy for me to overcome the deceptive stigma, and walk tall again since my conscience is totally clear before God and people, and certainly, myself. From young, I had adopted as my personal motto the three principles of “Honest to God, Honest to Myself, and Honest to People”.  Living by these three principles has sustained me through many crisis and periods of intense difficulty or even danger.

The immoral morons who initiated and perpetuate the lies about Guan Eng’s son are definitely persons lacking in character, integrity, credibility, maturity, and, certainly, spirituality, whatever religious faith they profess.

They are surely people who are so stupid not to know and realize that their thoughtless remarks would cause inestimably emotional, psychological, and spiritual impact on the young innocent boy.

One thing I am very puzzled about is why the school authorities have not come forward to clarify and explain the whole matter, to give the boy his just and fair due. It is simply the height of irresponsibility for the school management to refrain from telling the truth, perhaps because of either political patronage or political pressure. In the name of justice and fair play, I demand that the school authorities concerned should come out with an official statement refuting the lies.

I believe the people, especially Penangites, should mobilize around Guan Eng and his family at this critical time when they are under fierce demonic attacks for what they stand for, fight for, sacrifice for, and even paid for with their personal freedom and life. I urge all believers in God to come together to uphold Guan Eng and his family members in prayers. This is the least we can do. The more concrete action is to ensure that Guan Eng is returned as the chief minister or our beloved Penang.

And to Guan Eng’s son, I want to say that we believe you, and we will always love and care for you. The baptism of fire that you are going through now is going to make a great man out of you, like your grandpa Kit Siang and father Guan Eng. God bless and protect you always!

