Driving a wedge

The focus should have been as clear as daylight by now. We need change and the focus should be on how to see this change. However, once our thinking become clouded by non-issues such as race, religion and the Rulers, we would become distracted and start arguing about issues that are not going to bring about this change.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Bernama and Utusan Malaysia are still trying to drive a wedge between DAP and PAS by, again, raising the hudud issue today. You can read the news item below.

I suppose, after Saturday’s 1,000,000-man assembly failure, they realise that the apostasy issue is not being received in the way they had hoped, so they need to revisit the hudud issue and try one more shot at pitting DAP against PAS.

The fact that Bernama and Utusan Malaysia call the Penang government ‘Kerajaan DAP Pulau Pinang’ is proof of the sly slant of the report. They want the Malays to think that Penang has been ‘lost’ to the Chinese or that DAP (meaning Chinese) are the real power in Penang, etc.

In short, DAP, and not Pakatan Rakyat, is ruling Penang and it is a Chinese government rather than a multi-racial government.

Race and religion is a very potent weapon. And throw the ‘not respecting the Rulers’ or ‘insulting the Rulers’ issue into the ring, and we get a wonderful explosive ingredient called the 3R Program.

Yes, 3R can work if played properly. Race, religion and the Rulers (Raja-raja Melayu) can make the Malays foam at the mouth if they can be made to believe that these three ‘sacred cows’ are under attack or are being insulted by the non-Malays. And that is what the government-owned and government-controlled media is attempting.

Why Malaysians do not use logic rather than emotion is beyond me. It is that easy to get Malaysians so worked up — Malays, Chinese, Indians and ‘lain-lain’ not exempted. Just raise the issue of race, religion or the Rulers and watch Malaysians fight.

The focus should have been as clear as daylight by now. We need change and the focus should be on how to see this change. However, once our thinking become clouded by non-issues such as race, religion and the Rulers, we would become distracted and start arguing about issues that are not going to bring about this change.

You have one last shot at change. And if you miss this shot don’t ever dream that there is still the next time. As Elvis Presley said: it’s now or never. And you better believe it.


Hudud: Kerajaan DAP Pulau Pinang dibidas gagal jelaskan pendirian

Anggota pembangkang hari ini membidas kerajaan pimpinan DAP Pulau Pinang kerana tidak berani menjelaskan pendirian mengenai beberapa isu termasuk pelaksanaan hukum hudud.

Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Permatang Berangan, Shabudin Yahaya daripada Barisan Nasional (BN) berkata, setiap soalan lisan yang dikemukakan oleh wakil rakyat BN berhubung beberapa isu termasuk hukum hudud ditolak oleh Speaker Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN), Datuk Abdul Halim Hussain.

Bercakap kepada pemberita selepas persidangan DUN hari ini, beliau berkata, rakyat Pulau Pinang inginkan satu penjelasan daripada kerajaan negeri mengenai pelaksanaan hukum hudud.

“Mereka (rakyat) ingin tahu pendirian kerajaan negeri tetapi, kerajaan negeri tidak berani untuk menjawab soalan dan mencari jalan mudah dengan mengelak daripada menjawab,” katanya.

Beliau berkata, sebelum ini banyak pemimpin pakatan DAP-Parti Keadilan Rakyat-Pas, termasuk Lim Guan Eng yang juga Setiausaha Agung DAP, mengeluarkan pelbagai kenyataan.

“Kini kami menggunakan platform yang betul untuk mendapatkan jawapan daripada kerajaan negeri bukannya bagi pihak pemimpin parti,” kata Shabudin.

