‘Only ballot papers, not AG’s report, can jolt deaf BN’

(Harakah Daily) – The intensely discussed Auditor-General’s report which has given damning evidences of wastages by the government will be powerless to change the state of affairs, unless the people take to the ballots to jolt the BN government of its malpractices.

“If the present government is not replaced with a government that is accountable and responsible, the disappointment is bound to repeat,” said PAS information chief Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man (pic).

He said despite being reprimanded by the AG annually over exorbitant and wasteful spending of taxpayers’ money, the BN’s bad habits had only continued unabated.

Citing from the AG’s 2010 report released yesterday, Tuan Ibrahim said the country’s financial management continued to be marred by direct negotiations and cronyism.

Government-linked-companies such as Syarikat Perumahan Negara Berhad, KTMB, Prasarana and Aset Global Network, noted Tuan Ibrahim, continued to be in the red despite being reprimanded year after year.

“The national debt had risen by 12.3 percent to RM407.11 billion in 2010 from RM362.39 billion in 2009, and this is the second consecutive year the debt to GDP (gross domestic product) ratio exceeded 50 percent at 53.1 percent,” he said.

The Pahang PAS commissioner said BN’s resistance to change and reform had only disappointed the public through the AG annual’s negative observations.

“Clearly they can only be taught though the ballot box, and the people must not waste their votes to teach and punish this deaf government,” he added.


