Malaysian courts dragging feet over Altantuya lawsuit, now over 4 years


No peace for Altantuya’s soul until after GE-13 despite dad’s protest

More than 4 years have passed but the Malaysian courts are still dragging their feet on a RM100 million lawsuit filed by the parents of Altantuya Shaariibuu, a Mongolian national killed on Malaysian soil allegedly in connection with a corruption case involving Prime Minister Najib Razak and the purchase of 2 Scorpene submarines from French giant DCN.

Her fed-up father Setev Shaariibuu has sent yet another tracer to Malaysia’s growingly notorious courts, where his latest letter is bound to suffer the same fate as previous reminders – suppression and total silence! This time, however, Setev and his wife Altantsetseg Sanjaa have taken the additional step of appealing to Malaysian lawmakers for justice.

“Honoured members of the Parliament of Malaysia, I would like you to pay attention to my request and to treat this issue from the stand worthy of intelligent human beings,” Setev said in his letter submitted via his counsel Karpal Singh, who is also the MP for Bukit Gelugor.

“There are vital matters pending such as to resolve the deceased’s funeral and pacify her spirit through charitable attention to the orphaned children.”

Money already paid, why do you delay my daughter’s last rites

In his letter, Shaariibuu also pointed that he has complied with all the terms set by the courts to pursue the case including putting up a security bond of RM60,000 but nothing has been done, although the Mongolian government – which footed the deposit – had sent representatives over to discuss how to resolve the case.

“The fact that your government does not make positive steps towards the issue raised by Mongolia may perhaps adversely impact the interest of hundreds of Mongolians who are studying and living in Malaysia,” he said.

“Despite the fact that the government of Mongolia proposed to discuss the issue by appointing and sending its representatives to Malaysia, it has been one year without any response.”

The beautiful Altanuya was 28 when she was shot in the face and bombed with C4 explosives to prevent identification by Chief Inspector Azilah Hadri and Cpl Sirul Azhar – two former bodyguards of Najib’s. They are now waiting on death row for their appeal to be heard. Her ashes are still in Malaysia, and her parents have fought hard to take them home but to no avail.

Among reasons given by the Malaysian government is that the two cops have appealed their death sentence. Their appeal is delayed because the trial judge, Mohd Zaki Yasin, who found them guilty has till date not written up his judgement. The judge’s tardiness not only delays the cops in securing a hearing date from the Appeals courts, but also slows the lawsuit filed by Altantuya’s parents. Government prosecutors say their case cannot be heard until the appeal is done with as it might ‘prejudice’ the cops’ case.

“I can’t see why the judge cannot finish writing his grounds. It has been two years already. I have raised the issue in Parliament but just received a written reply, which is pointless,” Karpal had told reporters.


