SMSL press release on the press conference held on the 28th Oct 2011
By Steve Hang, SMSL
SMSL has on the 7th of Oct 2011 met with MITI and ensuing from the meeting MITI has agreed to send a team of officials comprising of various relevant departments to come to Kuantan to conduct a dialogue with the stakeholders concerning the LAMP issue.
We have written to MITI and posted the letter to MITI by express post on the 14th Oct 2011. Till this day we have yet to receive a reply. We hereby urge the department concerned especially MITI to walk their talk and send a team of the officials as promised to come and have an open dialogue with the local stakeholders on the issue. We shall send them a reminder and we hope they will demonstrate their sincerity in carrying out their promise and come to Kuantan to engage in a civil and open dialogue with the residents living around this region.
We have also written to Lynas Malaysia at the local office in Gebeng to start a dialogue with them through an email on the 19th Oct 2011. We understand that Lynas Malaysia has claimed that they had engaged the local residents as required by the IAEA report published on the 30th June and since then they claimed to have engaged 3000 residents inclusive of SMSL representatives.
We wish to state categorically here that we had never been invited nor engaged by Lynas Malaysia since the publication of the IAEA report to have a dialogue with them. We have voluntarily called Lynas Malaysia at the local office here on the 14thOct 2011 to request for a meeting with them concerning the LAMP issue. We subsequently followed up with the email on the 19th Oct after the committee had deliberated and agreed to initiate the move to engage with them. We wholeheartedly believe in civil discourse with any party that has an interest in this issue. We are still waiting for Lynas Malaysia to make a reply.
“1311 FOR OUR FAMILIES” EVENT (13/11/2011 at Taman Gelora, 7.30am)
Meanwhile we believe that people’s wishes should be respected by all parties be it Lynas Malaysia as well as the Government of the day. In order to deliver a clearer message to these parties concerned, we are organizing an event with the theme ‘ For our families…” on the 13th Nov 2011. On this day we call upon all families in Kemaman, Gebeng, Balok , Kuantan and Gambang to come forth and gather at the Taman Gelora to demonstrate peacefully their stand on the LAMP issue!
We urge them to wear the SMSL T shirts to say NO to the LAMP! We urge all residents and individuals who love their home and family to come forward and tell our government that we don not want LAMP! We want to send the similar message to the Australian Government and Lynas Australia that we DO NOT WANT LYNAS TO BE AROUND OUR NEIGHBOURHOOD NOR ANYWHERE IN MALAYSIA! We want them to know even if our government has no will to stop the project we will endeavor all we can to stop it from operating! We call upon all supporters who share the same goal to stop Lynas to come forward to walk their talk and demonstrate to the authorities that we will do anything within our means to stop this toxic project that will leave behind millions of tons of solid wastes that are radioactive and full of heavy metals that will eventually seep into the waterway and end up on our dinner table through the food chain!