Assunta Hospital Dilemma ( 3 )

By a concerned Malaysian

It was with trepidation that I read the uncharitable comments that followed the letter that I had originally written asking questions about the original setup of the Assunta Catholic Charity Hospital.
I apologise to Archbishop Murphy Pakiam and Sister Enda of the FMM sisters , as I did not anticipate the backlash of what followed from my good intentions.

Having said that there still remains serious questions which truly need to be answered.

1) It has been established by “A Specalist” whose letter appeared on the 29th Oct on MT, that The Assunta Hospital was indeed set up as a charity hospital, received tax free status , and grew exclusively from public donations, how did a charity foundation that solicited public donations now turn and become a private enterprise ?

2) Where is the compliance of the present board members to their fiduiciary duties when they receive free medical treatment amounting to millions of ringgit , this is clearly a gross abuse of their position which remains unaccounted for.

3) Why Did a “Charity” hospital create multi millionaires by paying exorbitant salaries and permit their specialists to grossly overcharge their patients, clearly in voilation of the original charter of a “charity” hospital status

40 How did the board allow one of these specialist on the board in clear conflict of intrest situation when he could control the outcome of board meetings because the board members were beholden to the hospital for “free treatment”

5) Why are doctors allowed to work beyond 70 and continue being paid exorbitant salaries, making it impossible for the poor to seek treatment at this hospital even though it is a “charity” hospital.

6) Why has a “charity” hospital originally given tax free status and build on public donations now become a money making machine for doctors, members of the board and the manager.

7) How did the FMM sisters and the catholic church who were the pioneer promoters of this charity hospital built on donations which amounting to millions of ringgit just look the other way when this hospital was taken over by greedy individuals who clearly capitalised on the good name of the FMM sisters and the catholic church to enrich themselves at the expense of the poor.

The catholic church and the FMM sisters are “morally responsible” for this debacle and should be held accountable, and take steps to restore the hospital back to its original status.

If clear answers are not forthcoming this will be forwarded to the relevent authorities for investigation accordingly.

A Deeply concerned Malaysian
