DAP MP: Is BN in bed with Israel?
(Harakah Daily) – Fresh from the revelation that it broke the country’s immigration laws to allow an Israeli passport holder enter the country for a sports event, the government is now taken to task over its silence to answer allegations that it has been having secret trade ties with the Zionist regime.
DAP’s Bakri member of parliament Er Teck Hwa said the silence from Trade and Industry minister Mustapa Mohamad over his question in parliament pointed to “something fishy”.
“The government is trying to hide something behind Mustapa’s silence. In fact, during the debate I only asked the minister to clarify whether it is true or not,” said Er in a statement.
Parliament speaker had earlier denied Er a chance to question Mustapa over alleged trade ties between Malaysia and Israel following a revelation on the internet.
Er said the government must explain a statement by a former Israeli trade minister in an Israeli trade magazine a few years ago, welcoming Malaysia’s intention to have economic ties.
“If not, the Prime Minister must deny the statement made by Mischa Harish who stated clearly in a Israeli’s trade promotion magazine that, ‘The public declaration of the Malaysian Prime Minister and Minister of International Trade and Industrial that their country intends to pursue economic relations with Israel is another milestone in the development of trade this continent’,” he added.
Er said having economic relations with the Zionist regime not only hurt the feelings of Malaysian Muslims, but also anyone opposed to the injustice and atrocities committed by the Israeli army against the Palestinian people.
Er said running away from the issue would only prove the BN’s hypocrisy.
“They (UMNO) often accuse Pakatan Rakyat of being Zionist agents, but instead, they are the one sleeping with them,” he chided, referring to a constant accusation levelled by UMNO politicians.
Er added that the issue was not a small matter, saying it would create suspicions about the country’s initiative to assist Palestinians such as the humanitarian efforts in Gaza.