Self cannibalization: the latest political tool to win at all costs

By Lee Wee Tak

According to this report by China Press, which surely would not make it even to the dust bins of Utusan Malaysia  sub editors, an  interesting elector roll management trend” (to call it politely) has emerged in Seremban.

“110 Phantoms moved into 16 empty houses”

Anthony Loke reveals yet again elector roll irregularities”

On the right: if all complaints are raised, fee of RM8,320 is payable. More waste of money, it seems.

On line version here:

From an inspection of the recently released 2011 Q3 supplementary electors roll, Anthony Loke, the MP for Rasah, discovered that:
·         110 voters were transferred into Temiang state constituency , bearing addresses of 16 vacant houses in Taman Bukit Zamrud, Seremban
·         Some of the vacant houses have “for sale/rent” signs hanging at the gate
·         6 females and 1 male were transferred to address no. 126, Taman Bukit Zamrud . Apart from one aged around the twenties, the rest were more than 50 years old. Among the 7, 2 were taken from Paroi, 2 from Jempol and 1 from Senawang
·         Majority of the transferred voters are Indians, with some Chinese as well.
The above makes interesting reading.
Obviously this is not the work of Pakatan Rakyat. The motive is obvious, moving voters into one of Pakatan’s constituency as signs of a snap election reaches fever pitch.
