‘Stop hiding behind the Buku Jingga’

MCA mocks Pakatan Rakyat for constantly hiding behind the Buku Jingga whenever there are disagreements among the opposition coalition members.

(Fee Malaysia Today) – MCA has slammed the opposition coalition for always using their common policy framework, the Buku Jingga as their “shield” when there are disagreements between the Pakatan Rakyat coalition members.

“Whenever a disagreement occurs, they will just play the Buku Jingga card and say that it is not listed in the book,” said MCA National Organising Secretary, Tee Siew Kiong.

Tee said that the Buku Jingga was again used as a shield in the latest disagreement within the opposition on the PPSMI (Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science in English) issue.

On Monday, DAP’s publicity chief, Tony Pua had said that it was important to have an option for students to learn Science and Math in English.

However, PKR communications director, Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad said on Thursday that PKR does not support the policy as it was not mooted by Pakatan Rakyat’s common policy framework, the Buku Jingga.

Yesterday, DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng reiterated again his party’s stand for options to be made available and argued that there was no conflict between the opposition coalition members.

Tee said that the differing views that showed that DAP’s position in the Opposition coalition was “precarious”.


