It’s A Cow … It’s A Condo … It’s Criminal Breach Of …
The infamous “It’s A Bird … It’s A Plane … It’s Superman” tag, referring to the superhero who wears his red underwear outside, is here again. However, since this is a Malaysian version, the superhero’s adventure would undergo a total re-engineering. It would be a blockbuster. It could even wake Christopher Reeve up from his grave. It would most likely thriller than Michael Jackson’s Thriller. Of course the new superhero is Shahrizat (instead of Superman), Minister of Women, Family and Community Development.
The National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) scandal couldn’t come at a better time when PM Najib Razak was getting ready to call a snap election. Shahrizat was supposed to be Najib’s “Iron Lady Minister”, the same way Rafidah was during Mahathir’s premiership. Unfortunately unlike Rafidah who didn’t lose her seat to become a minister, Shahrizat lost hers and has to be made a Senator to become a back-door Minister. Also, unlike Rafidah who wisely invested most of her “wealth” overseas, particularly in United Kingdom, Shahrizat thought it was a magnificent idea to invest in a RM10 million luxury condo in upmarket Bangsar.
National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) was suposed to be a High Impact Project under Ninth Malaysia Plan with the objective of attaining 40% self sufficiency for beef production by 2010. But going by the scandal revelations, it seems someone has hijacked the RM250 million (soft-loan) project to become the person’s own self sufficiency agenda. It was revealed that the original plan from Agriculture and Agro-based Industries Ministry was to spend RM6.37 million to breed 9,000 cattles with about 28% returns annually. But that plan took three years instead and with an explosive spending – RM141 million to rear only 8,000 cattles.