Gerakan boss ‘forced’ out by Umno

By Tarani Palani, FMT

KUALA LUMPUR: Umno has forced Gerakan president Koh Tsu Koon to not contest in the next general election, said Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng.

Expressing sympathy for his predecessor, the DAP leader said: “It is an orchestrated campaign to remove him and they (Barisan Nasional and Umno) have succeeded.”

“What Umno wants Umno gets,” he told reporters in the Parliament lobby.

Lim said Koh was forced to leave as it was obvious that the latter still had intentions to contest in the coming elections as Koh retained his other positions as a federal minister and party president.

“I feel sympathy for him because he has been pushed out by Umno… It is clearly a mission accomplished by Umno because they don’t want him and they have carried out a campaign against him,” he added.

The embattled Gerakan president announced this morning that he would not contest in the upcoming elections.

He would however retain his other positions as minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Gerakan president and Penang BN chairman.

