Hisham questions whether Suhakam doing its job

(The Malaysian Insider) – Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Hussein accused the Malaysian Human Rights Commission (Suhakam) today of not carrying out its duties after it demanded that 13 suspected Islamic militants detained under the Internal Security Act (ISA) be released.

The home minister said such a demand “without knowing the facts and wanting to release dangerous individuals is very irresponsible.”

The home minister described Suhakam’s statement demanding the release of the suspected Islamic militants as “very irresponsible”. — file pic

“If they are really trying to free (the 13 individuals) without question and without knowing the facts, let the people judge for themselves where Suhakam is heading to right now,” he was quoted by Bernama Online as saying.

He said the arrest of the 13 individuals should not be politicised because the ISA has only been specifically used to combat terror and not for political purposes.

Hishamuddin said Suhakam officials should have met him first before making such remarks.

The home minister’s remarks are in response to a statement released by Suhakam earlier today demanding the authorities release the 13 suspected militants from ISA detention.

Suhakam chairman Tan Sri Hasmy Agam said in a strongly-worded statement the arrests went against Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s promise to repeal the law.

He said the government should instead charge the suspects in open court and allow them legal representation.

Suhakam is also currently conducting a public inquiry into the July 9 Bersih rally which was declared illegal by the government.

Police dispersed tens of thousands who poured into the capital to call for free and fair elections, using water cannon and tear gas in chaotic scenes that saw over 1,500 arrested, scores injured and the death of an ex-soldier.


