More Big Boobs By Taib! – Expose

By Sarawak Report

Chief Minister Taib Mahmud and PM Najib Razak have been trumpeting their economic policies in the light of plaudits given by an outfit called the Oxford Business Group..

Explaining the significance of the praises lavished on Sarawak and Malaysia by the Oxford Busines Group, the Chief Minister’s own website claimed that the publication “provides in-depth detail on Sarawak’s current economic outlook and what the future holds for the state”.

However, the Editorial Director of these reports is none other than a former Editor of the UK’s most ridiculed porn rag, the Daily Sport, which closed earlier this year.

Peter Grimsditch was sacked 4 years after having launched the Sport for the UK ’Porn King’, David Sullivan in 1988. He was also sacked as Editor of another low-brow red top, the Daily Star, and is now based in the Middle East. 

From editiing porn to finance PR – Peter Grimsditch

Another ‘boob’ by Taib?

The revelation raises question marks over the economic focus and expertise of the publication that are not satisfactorily answered by the qualifications of its predominantly youthful staff:

“They are mostly in their 20′s and they get posted for a couple of months to do the business”, explained one senior executive of a respected economic publication in the Middle East, where OBG have also started operating.

“It is basically what one calls an ‘Advertorial’.  They write sympathetic positive stuff about the subject matter. The purpose is obvious, which is to give the best possible spin and encourage investment.  The State will then quote the report”.

Oxford Business Group Report was launched with fanfare by Taib


