HINDRAF’s statement in response to FMT news report on Karpal’s call to Unite under Pakatan

If we take a strong position with Pakatan now, driven by a commitment that we are making the right choice for the Indian working class then the see-saw is easily tipped back. However, given our experience, it behoves us to ensure that we are not just entering into a partnership of convenience but into a partnership based on mutually agreed upon principles so that any partnership we enter into will be robust and sustainable.

By P.Waytha Moorthy

We welcome DAP Chairman Mr Karpal Singh’s invitation to us to join the Pakatan Rakyat coalition in a joint effort to unseat UMNO/BN in the forthcoming 13th GE. It is time that we recognise that we have had problems in the last 3 years, and also that it is now time to put aside those quarrels and to work out a strategy and synergy that is absolutely necessary and truly possible to unseat UMNO/BN.

Hindraf can in no way oust the ruling party on its own, and recent trends show that Pakatan is in the same boat. Both in 1990 with Semangat 46 and 1999 with Barisan Alternatif when there was disarray within UMNO the opposition coalition could not galvanize enough support amongst the polity to unseat UMNO. Only when Hindraf moved the critical working class Indian votes in GE12 in 2008 away from BN/UMNO was a there a definite change to that pattern. Only synergy will do the job.

As it stands today there seems to be a shift of 20-50% of the Indian votes away from Pakatan compared to that GE in March 2008. We say this has happened because of the ambivalence we have shown towards Pakatan in these intervening years. And our ambivalence deriving from our differences with Pakatan, was our way to indicate to the Pakatan coalition that Pakatan ignores us at their peril. The result of the ambivalence and the loss of the Hindraf momentum was the recent spate of visible by-election losses for Pakatan. We hope the point is abundantly made and it is time to move on.

If we take a strong position with Pakatan now, driven by a commitment that we are making the right choice for the Indian working class then the see-saw is easily tipped back. However, given our experience, it behoves us to ensure that we are not just entering into a partnership of convenience but into a partnership based on mutually agreed upon principles so that any partnership we enter into will be robust and sustainable.

To realize our mutual objectives, we call upon Mr Karpal Singh now to initiate discussion between the leaders of Pakatan and Hindraf/HRP to take this discussion to the next stage.

If Pakatan truly wants to oust UMNO/BN from the seat of power, then Pakatan has to see the opportunity in this.

In this context, we would like to add that the move to form the larger Pakatan coalition should encompass all the parties opposed to UMNO/BN across the spectrum in the Peninsula, Sarawak and Sabah, not just the few in the Peninsula. Even our nemesis, the UMNO led BN has 13 other parties spanning the whole country.

Let wisdom prevail.

