Response to Malaysia Today for Open Letter to TM Group CEO on Request to Discontinue Contruction of New Tower new Kipark Selayang Condominium

We refer to the article published by the Malaysia Today on 21 November 2011 on the request by Mr. Bobby Chiah of Kipark Selayang Condominum for TM to discontinue the construction of new telecommunication tower built opposite the condominium.

Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) wishes to clarify that its network team has immediately conducted a site visit this morning to the said location to ascertain the ownership of the tower mentioned. The visit confirmed that the tower in fact does not belong to TM and a signage erected within the vicinity of the tower, which is being built inside a water tank premise, indicated that it belongs to another telecommunications provider. There is also an existing tower which again belongs to another telecommunications provider.

TM wishes also to inform that we do not plan to construct any new tower in the area in the near future, except for maintaining the existing exchanges to cater to our current TM customers.

Please be assured that TM takes the safety and welfare of our customers very seriously and is committed to adhere to the policies and guidelines set by the Ministry of Housing and Local Government (KPKT); namely ‘Garis Panduan Pembinaan Menara Telekomunikasi, Struktur Sistem Pemancar Di Kawasan Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan-2002’ on the construction of any new towers.

Our TM representatives also managed to speak to Kipark Selayang Condominum’s Residents Chairman to explain the situation. We are also replying directly to Mr. Chiah in response to the letter published here.

We hope the explanation above clarifies the matter and sincerely hope your concerns will be addressed by the appropriate parties. On a separate note, we seek Malaysia Today’s cooperation in extending future concerns regarding TM submitted by your readers to us directly for us investigate and respond appropriately.
