UMNO is definitely NOT Racist!
On the basis of the many ridiculous and “kurang ajar” statements made by Mahathir, Muhyiddin, Najib and the UMNOputras in the past and in the current UMNO assembly, it is natural and reasonable to label them all as racists. But let us analyse the facts to see if this is a logical label.
By Ken
At the current UMNO assembly, Muhyiddin proclaimed that UMNO is NOT racist. He uttered this statement in spite of the fact that he, the Deputy Prime Minister of multi-racial Malaysia, has unequivocally declared that he is “Malay first” and “Malaysian second”.
Muhyiddin’s “Malay first” declaration, while confirming that he is not a nationalist (and unfit to be DPM), does not confirm that he is a racist, and he may be right that UMNO is not racist. And Muhyiddin’s mentor and guru, Dr. Mahathir, has also argued repeatedly that parties such as DAP are racist but not UMNO.
However, on the basis of the many ridiculous and “kurang ajar” statements made by Mahathir, Muhyiddin, Najib and the UMNOputras in the past and in the current UMNO assembly, it is natural and reasonable to label them all as racists. But let us analyse the facts to see if this is a logical label.
According to Mahathir, Najib, Muhyiddin and other UMNOputras, the Malays are far behind the other races in wealth and development and also form the majority of the poor. General observation and anecdotal data do suggest that there may be truth in what these UMNOputras say about widespread poverty among the Malays.
Why is it that the Malays have not prospered in spite of the NEP for more than 40 years? How is it that Mahathir who wielded total control over all, including the Sultans, for 22 years (and who continues to indirectly control) could not rectify the poor state of the Malays in spite of all the power he had? If he could not, who else can or will ever? Why is that a large proportion of Malays are still poor in spite of all the development since independence? Surely, there must be a logical explanation for the continued poor state of these Malays.
A racist is someone who does all he can for another of his race on the basis of ethnicity, and ignores, disadvantages or undermines others, even if deserving, solely because of racial difference. Thus, if UMNO were racist, it would have done all it could to help the poor Malays. With the ever-powerful Mahathir as PM for 22 years, UMNO as the government for more than 50 years and NEP in force for more than 40 years, even casual support on the basis of race or otherwise, would have uplifted the poor Malay significantly.
Mahathir and UMNO didn’t have to generate the required wealth through ingenuity and hard work for this task – Mother Malaysia is and has been well endowed with oil, gas, timber, land other natural resources to provide hundreds of billions for the benefit of the Malays and her other children. But somehow, all this huge wealth never found its way to the poor Malay.
If UMNO were truly racist, the fate of the poor Malay would have changed, but this has happened, at best, only in a marginal way. A racist would be troubled by the plight of his race and would be prepared to make all possible sacrifices, including sharing his wealth. Has any UMNOputra shared his wealth with the poor Malay? None worthy of mention. Instead, UMNOputras have become very rich and the gap between them and the poor Malay has widened – the gap between the rich and poor in Malaysia is widest amongst the Malays compared to other races. The UMNOputras have plundered the wealth of the nation under the pretext of helping the poor Malays, and amassed billions for themselves, their families and friends.
There are many Malay corporate empires which are very large and prominent – Mahathir empire (Mines, YTL, San Miguel, etc.), Najib empire (CIMB, etc.), Badawi empire, Daim empire, Taib Muhamad empire, Syed Al-Bukhary empire, etc. If the UMNOputras were racist, they would not have focused on amassing such huge wealth for themselves but would instead have focused on sharing the available wealth with their race.
What is strange is that while claiming to champion their Malay race, the UMNOputras almost always establish business partnerships with non-Malay businessmen, knowing that these non-Malay cronies would use the opportunity to also amass wealth at the expense of the Malays and other Malaysians.
If the UMNOputras were truly racist, they would not collaborate with the non-Malays. It is simply not logical to do so if “Ketuanan Melayu” is the goal and mission. Equally, if the UMNOputras were racist, why would the Chinese cronies (whose race is often UMNO’s target for racism rhetoric and drama), collaborate with them?
What is clear is that UMNO and its leaders, Mahathir, Muhyiddin, Najib, etc. are NOT racist. They are just evil and corrupt. They are a despicable lot who are prepared to sell their race, religion and nation for money. Money is what matters to them, not moral and ethics and certainly not race and definitely not religion (this lot is guilty of all the major sins in Islam, from corruption, cheating and stealing to adultery and gambling).
The poor Malay is merely an official license for UMNO to rob and plunder the nation. UMNO is definitely NOT racist – UMNO is totally CORRUPT and EVIL and beyond redemption!!! The kampong Malays must be made aware of these facts for GE13.