When will Malaysia be like Singapore?

UMNO thinks it’s clever to make Malays fearful of what would happen should the DAP ever come to power. But this strategy will not work. Why would the DAP discriminate against the Malays who comprise 65 per cent of voters?

Datuk Zaid Ibrahim

An UMNO Senator says that the DAP will take this country and turn it into Singapore. If the DAP can indeed do that, then I urge all Malaysians, including the Malays, to vote for the DAP.

Why not? We would be a first-world country, our economy would be strong and our education and judiciary would be world-class. Corruption would be almost negligible, and the Malays could be proud that their country has climbed into the ranks of first-world nations. They would even be able to speak English better. And if, by chance, a Malay topped his class or secured a contract, everyone would know that merit and ability got him there and nothing else.

Of course, what the learned Senator was trying to convey was something more insidious. He believes the Chinese are chauvinistic and selfish and they will discriminate against the Malays if they ever get to power. He implies that Singapore discriminates against the Malays. This is absolute rubbish. A government that discriminates and that does not live by the principles of good governance will not be able to achieve what Singapore has. Singapore has a transparent government and – for the benefit of UMNO – being transparent means we can see the process being used in decision-making. The Senator needs to show exactly how Singapore is discriminatory to the Malays, based on the process adopted in their decision-making. Just parroting what Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has said in the past is not enough.

Let’s have some common sense here. There are dissatisfied Malays in Singapore for sure but there are plenty here too. In a democracy where every citizen has a vote, a ruling government that practises discrimination is plain stupid. Its actions would ensure its own defeat sooner or later, more so if the party represents a minority group like the DAP does.

UMNO thinks it’s clever to make Malays fearful of what would happen should the DAP ever come to power. But this strategy will not work. Why would the DAP discriminate against the Malays who comprise 65 per cent of voters? Even if the DAP were ever to come to power, as they did in Penang, it would be in their best interest to retain the support of the Malays. To discriminate and to be unfair to the Malays would mean the DAP would lose Penang, and that does not look likely to happen for a long time.

So let’s talk about real issues for a change. It’s good fun to see how afraid UMNO is of the DAP. You know why? Because over the years, the DAP consistently fought corruption and lobbied against the wastage and pilferage of the corrupt BN Government and its Ministers’ abuse of power. The DAP has been unafraid to expose the Government’s misdeeds and has been relentless in the pursuit of good governance.

The effect was not so visible before, but today voters are listening to these issues and are aware not just of the billions of ringgit being wasted in defence contracts, but of the misdeeds exposed by the Auditor-General’s report. UMNO has suddenly realised that issues of corruption are pulling them down, as are the high prices of goods and services. The people are tired of their leaders’ abuse and arrogance, and of their refusal to engage the rakyat on these issues. Instead, they take the easy way out and bash the DAP and the Malays whom they consider to be the lackeys of the Chinese. Keep pounding away, and they think they will win the General Election.

The DAP will have its Congress soon and I hope they will not respond to these charges and start bashing the BN. The best course would be to set out and explain how the party’s policies will be implemented and will benefit the people. Showcase the success stories. They have a duty to bring politics in this country to a new level of civil discourse and debate. Ignore the bashing and hopefully, Malaysians will see a better alternative.

All said and done, I hope for the sake of the future generation that Malaysia will be like Singapore, with or without the DAP.
