Perkasa ‘suppresses’ ethnic minorities, says MIC

(The Malaysian Insider) – MIC today accused Perkasa of “doing its worst” to suppress ethnic minorities in response to Perkasa’s accusations that the Barisan Nasional (BN) party was responsible for scrapping the controversial novel Interlok from the school syllabus.

The Malay rights group had yesterday predicted that Malay voters would reject MIC’s candidates in the coming polls, with secretary-general Syed Hassan Syed Ali saying the decision showed Putrajaya’s “weakness and failure to not succumb to pressure by minorities.”

He also claimed this was a part of MIC’s elaborate plan to woo Indian voters.

“In Malaysia, the BN government is doing its best to take care of the minorities but Perkasa is doing its worst to suppress the minorities like Indians, Eurasians, Kadazans, Dayaks, Orang Aslis and all the other mini-minorities.

“Perkasa is obviously living in the dinosaur age… they should send their office bearers overseas to see how even the once backward politicians have now recognised the need to protect the minorities so that they are not bullied by senseless politicians from amongst the majority,” MIC leader Datuk R Ramanan said in a statement today.

Ramanan, who is MIC deputy social and welfare bureau chairman charged that Perkasa’s viewpoint on the matter was illogical, saying that in a democractic system, the majority race is always protected.

“It is the minorities who need protection.

“Thank God in this country we have Leaders like (Datuk Seri) Najib (Razak) who cares for the rakyat.”


