Utusan predicts public unrest after sodomy verdict

(The Malaysian Insider) – Utusan Malaysia today expressed confidence that Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim would be convicted of his sodomy charge, but predicted that public unrest would follow the trial decision.

The Umno daily’s columnist, writing under the pseudonym of Awang Selamat, charged that Anwar was the first Opposition leader in the world to be associated with so many “moral and ethical” scandals.

In the weekend edition of Utusan, Mingguan Malaysia, Awang claimed to be privy to information of a PKR-led strategy once Anwar is convicted on January 9.

Awang said that Anwar would resort to “anything to save himself”, and that he would not stand idly by and accept the court’s decision, knowing that it will be the “most significant moment in his life and political career.”

“There is a possibility of a unexpected plan. We will await the surprise,” the Utusan columnist said.

“As expected, Anwar will be found guilty after which the Angkatan Muda Keadilan (PKR youth) will launch their free Anwar 901 campaign on Twitter.

“There are talks of other plans, such as street demonstrations, as seen in his first sodomy trial. We have not yet even touched on the words of PKR deputy president Azmin Ali, who wants to break down prison walls if his boss is jailed,” said Awang.


