Haris quits MCLM over RPK’s comments

Raja Petra Kamarudin’s comments in mainstream daily NST, have “greatly undermined” the efforts of MCLM president Haris Ibrahim.

(Free Malaysia Today) – Lawyer Haris Ibrahim has resigned as president of Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement (MCLM). He cited the views expressed by MCLM chairman, Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK), in a mainstream media yesterday, as his main reason.

Haris said he was compelled to do so after reading Raja Petra comment’s on MCLM’s candidacy in the coming general elections and his view on ‘people’s revolution.’

“In the circumstances, I find it impossible to continue to serve MCLM as its president.”

“I have communicated my decision to RPK through email, ” he said adding that he had been aware of the interview but was not privy to its content until he read the report.

Commenting on Raja Petra’s views published by NST, Haris said he was saddened specifically by ‘two parts’ of the  interview.

“The two parts (of the interview) that have led me to the decision were that “MCLM had decided it would not field any candidates for the coming general election.”

“I can confirm now that no such decision has been made. (In fact) in December, 2010, in London, RPK announced the launch of MCLM’s Barisan Rakyat independent candidate initiative.”

“In July, last year, MCLM announced the deployment of our first candidate, Dr Neduchelian, in the Kapar consitutuency,” Haris said in his People’s Parliament blog today.

‘No idle threat’

He also cited another reported comment by Raja Petra which he said ‘greatly undermined’ his efforts in the ‘Anything But Umno’ (ABU) initiative.

“RPK is reported to have said that “the Egypt-style people’s revolution was not an answer for Malaysia due to the delicate racial balance. They (Chinese voters) don’t want Tahrir Square type of change.”

“These comments greatly undermine efforts I am making, albeit through MLCM, in the ABU initiative.


