Dr Nedu to stand as candidate in GE13

Press statement

A year ago, the Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement officially endorsed me, under their Barisan Rakyat Independent Candidate Initiative, as a parliamentary candidate for the Kapar constituency.

However, in a recent report in the New Straits Times under the heading “Rights group not a third force – RPK”, MCLM Chairman Raja Petra Kamarudin said that MCLM had decided not to field any candidate for the coming general election.
I wish to state that despite the statement by the Chairman, I will still contest for the Kapar parliamentary seat and I shall do so as a pro-Pakatan Rakyat independent candidate.

RPK’s statement has in no way affected my earlier decision to stand for elections.

Out of the numerous people who offered themselves as candidates under the Barisan Rakyat Independent Candidate Initiative, I was one of the few to survive MCLM’s stringent vetting and be acknowledged as a winnable candidate.

I have conducted numerous free medical and dental clinics to the needy and children, and served as the President of The Malaysian Private Dental Practitioners Association for three terms, and have held other posts in numerous other dental organisation.

Kapar is my hometown and it is only right that a local represent his constituency so as to serve the people better. I am a Community Leader there appointed by Klang District Office, under the initiative of Economic Planning Unit of Selangor State Government.


Dr Nedunchelian Vengu, a 43-year-old dentist from Kapar is a private practitioner for 20 years who served as the President of Malaysian Private Dental Practitioners’ Association and on a Health Ministry committee, is known for his social work as well as his efforts to raise industry standards. His motto for Rakyat is Engage, Educate and Empower and create Rakyat who could stand on their own.

