OK, RPK Switch Sides But Why Are Everyone Surprise?


One of the reasons why I’m looking forward to the first day of the New Year was the prospect of bombshells of news, besides the glittering and spectacular fireworks, of course. As predicted, the peaceful short demonstration by young students at UPSI ended with bloods, thanks to the kind hospitality of the professional police. The news however was dwarfed by RPK’s latest bombshells. Instantly RPK, the UK-born Selangor prince, now living in exile in Manchester, invites criticisms from his remaining loyal readers.

Previously, RPK or Raja Petra Kamarudin, dropped a bombshell just 3-day before the important Sarawak state election, of which his granted interview to the government-controlled TV3 helped cleanse PM Najib Razak, to certain degrees, of the murder allegation of Mongolian model Altantuya Shaaribuu. This time, RPK dropped couple of bombshells when he declares “There’s Life after Anwar”, “Anwar morally unfit to become PM”, “Anwar may become irrelevant”, “Frustrated voters will back BN in polls”, not to mention he’s now suddenly 90% confident Anwar was the man in the sex video.

Raja Petra RPK Switch Sides 

Generally, what RPK is telling the opposition and his readers who once worshipped him as the greatest whistleblowers to the government’s dark secrets is this – you can all go fly kites from now onwards because I’ve joined the dark (rich) side of the powerful and corrupt force. And if you think this is not for real but another round of RPK throwing tantrums with some noble hidden plot due to whatever reasons, think again because his pet project MCLM’s president and buddy, Haris Ibrahim, has just quit the movement. But why RPK switch sides?

Actually, the moment he granted his interview to TV3 months ago, knowing very well that the media was a spin master in favour of the present government, and later beat around the bush justifying his acts that TV3 played him out, was the strongest hint that RPK had indeed sold himself out. With his latest interviews granted to yet another UMNO-controlled newspaper, it only goes to confirm (if you’re not already convince) that he has sold his soul. There’s a saying that everybody has a price-tag so there’s no different with ordinary RPK, unless he’s not a homo-sapiens.

Raja Petra RPK Switch Sides - Homesick 

So, how much was RPK paid for switching side? If hard cold cash was indeed transacted, it has to be more than what Perak’s Jelapang Hee-Apa-Nama received. Of course it has to come with freedom to come back to his country and whatnot strings attached. In spite of luxury accomodation in Manchester and so-called happy Christmas vacation on a friend’s boat in Phuket, the sight of not able to come back to taste Nasi Lemak, Teh Tarik (*tongue in cheek*) and whatnot is too much to bear. He may talk big about living luxuriously abroad but the fact remains he’s extremely homesick hence he should be forgiven for his latest action.

Whether he’s fully sponsored by former premier Mahathir Mohamad or white-collar criminal Soh Chee Wen for his relatively easy escape out of Malaysia and thereafter luxury lifestyle abroad is immaterial. If one were to read his articles, his bazooka was trained primarily at former premier Abdullah Badawi and his son-in-law Khairi, and Najib Razak’s wife over the murder of Mongolian model Altantuya, of course. He seldom attack Mahathir or Muhyiddin, let alone Mahathir’s sons. That’s strange because while RPK sees it freaking wrong for Khairi to amass 13 million shares from ECM Libra for RM9.2 million, he doesn’t seems to think it was wrong for Mahathir to use Petronas money to bail out his son’s (Mirzan Mahathir) Konsortium Perkapalan to the tune of RM696 million back in 1998.


