‘Don’t play hide and seek, Lajim’

SAPP chief Yong Teck Lee has opened his doors to Umno Sabah strongman Lajim Ukin.

(Free Malaysia Today) – Former Sabah chief minister Yong Teck Lee is hoping to form a political alliance with his former comrade in arms, Lajim Ukin, to help oust the Umno-led Barisan Nasional (BN) government from power.

The two were members of Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) before the party was ousted from power in 1994. Yong went on to form his own Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) and Lajim defected to Umno.

Both are now battling to remain politically relevant in the state.

Yong, in reaching out to the Umno Sabah strongman, has couched his offer of alliance under the ABU (Asal Bukan Umno or Anyone But Umno) concept to face Umno and BN in the impending 13th general election.

But for it to work, the SAPP president said today, the Beaufort MP must leave the ruling coalition now in order to be well prepared.

“Don’t hide it anymore … everybody now knows that Lajim Ukin wants to leave the BN. Although it is a bit late, but biarlah lambat asal Sabah selamat (so long as Sabah is safe),” he said.

Speaking at the SAPP Beaufort CLC annual general meeting recently, Yong said SAPP wanted to cooperate with Lajim in the coming election after news of him wanting to ditch the BN surfaced.

Lajim has not denied the news reports.

“Hopefully, Lajim no longer needs to play hide and seek. Just come out. Look at SAPP we were also in the BN once but now we are out for three and a half years,” he said.


