Why, RPK?


Many Malaysians have expressed outrage at the recent statements made by fugitive blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin’s critical remarks against DSAI in recent interviews with Umno dailies Utusan Malaysia and New Straits Times. News portals and blogs are filled with comments of readers who have taken umbrage at this development at a most inopportune time, just before the next GE.

There are a few unanswered questions which he should answer.

1. If at all he intended to make those statements, why did he speak to those dailies that represent the backbone of support of the other side? Why did he not approach online news portals? He has to explain why he chose to speak to the MSM whose reach are pro-status quo instead of the online news portals whose readers are more ‘enlightened’ and are able to make valid judgements of their own to assess the truth and validity behind his statements.

2. With the rumored GE expected to happen as early as this month, why did he choose to slam DSAI who in all matters regardless of his weaknesses, is still the head of Pakatan rakyat? Clearly, the damaging statements have undermined the effort of PR and many other activists. For one who helped PR so much, why did he put PR in bad light? Granted there are many weaknesses that they have, especially of late but surely there is another channel of communication to sort matters in a less damaging and more constructive manner!

3. DSAI is already under siege and in deep sh**. As a once-upon-a-time respected opinion leader, why did RPK, as one keeps saying ABU ABU, kick Anwar down knowing full well smashing him utterly and completely for all and sundry to see? Hitting below the belt at anyone is certainly not on!

4. Homophobic statements are also NOT on! The verdict has not been given and it is really unfair for him to make statements such as ““I don’t care. If you say is Anwar gay? I say maybe. But you cannot become prime minister. That is the reality,” said Raja Petra in an interview published today the Malay-language Mingguan Malaysia.” extracted from THIS LINK. You can read more about sub judice AT THIS LINK.

5. According to FMT, “Reform activist and influential blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin believes that Anwar Ibrahim was a victim of a honey-trap, but quickly added that the opposition leader was given a fair trial. (AT THIS LINK). If that is so, RPK should stop calling himself Fugitive Blogger and come home and get his share of the “fair trial” courtesy of Bolehland.

6. Raja Petra had alleged, in an interview with Umno daily Utusan Malaysia, that several Chinese businessmen in Selangor had complained to him that they still had to fork out “under-the-table” money in order to conduct businesses in the state, and that corruption was still rampant there. Yesterday, The Malaysian Insider reported HERE that the Selangor government demanded that blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin provide evidence to back up his claims of corruption within the state government. To date, he has not responded. Why?

Many supporters are in a daze over this turnaround. Many were going concertedly in ABU ABU fashion and all of a sudden, it is WHAM! BAM! SLAM! and those who supported him morally, financially and other ways are reeling in shock which is worse than the reaction of TV3 interview for obvious reasons.

Then, many defended him and strongly supported him because they felt he was unfairly derided censured at that time. However, this time round- the perception is completely different. In the past, he had always said ‘Perception is everything’. So, it is clear that he did what he did at his own peril!

Haris Ibrahim has resigned as MCLM President while Malik Imtiaz and Sreekant Pillai have disassociated themselves from MCLM because of his statements. Where will MCLM go from here?

As a very intelligent man, did he not consider all these consequences before he met with those reporters from MSM?


