The Villain In Disguise


Few can be at the top forever, nor hold on to fame. Nothing lasts. Not even charisma, clout or character. One thing is certain – once you lose your credibility, the foundation on which one stands collapses and everything is gone in the wink of an eye! What is a man if his name ain’t respected any more?

With his 180 degree shift, majority of his die-hard fans have done a 180 degree shift away from him.

For many years, most Malaysians thought he was filled with integrity, character, principles, insight, perspective etc etc etc. Many walked with him during his struggles and challenges – some who came from afar and from different backgrounds. They were rudely awakened to the painful truth that their perception of what makes a hero was nothing but make-believe, nothing but a sly construction of distorted reality.

The truth is for many years, we’ve all been had – till January 1st, 2012.

Many of his die-hard supporters have been crushed within by the deep hurt that has replaced the initial disbelief of how he has let them down with a stinker of a bomb on New year’s Day itself. What a HORRIBLE start to the New Year! No thanks to this man!


