A Letter of Support to DSAI

The current opposition may not form the best possible government. But it can form an alternative government. When there is competition (whether in politics or economics), competing parties have no choice but to strive for self-improvement. If the opposition wins PRU-13, we might see a new and improved BN within the next 8 years that’s worth voting for again.

By Jason

Dear Anwar

I do not care if you sodomized Shaiful. It is your choice if you want to be gay, bi or straight.

If it was rape, I would feel differently. But everything seems to point toward the occurrence being consensual. If at 60+, you managed to overpower and have your way with a 20+ year old, you must have some very powerful silat skills.

If you DID fall for a honey trap as some claim, I do regret your silliness in the matter.

But back to the topic of sodomy, my main concern is the current government that’s sodomizing the nation. The same people who are preaching piety and religious adherence, policing and stifling the rights of the rakyat. Lining their own pockets with our hard earned money in every possible haram way they can think of, and not even bothering to be secretive about it. This act of sodomy is NOT consensual. I am tired of being shafted.

The current opposition may not form the best possible government. But it can form an alternative government. When there is competition (whether in politics or economics), competing parties have no choice but to strive for self-improvement. If the opposition wins PRU-13, we might see a new and improved BN within the next 8 years that’s worth voting for again. Or should I say, “finally worth voting for”?

If the opposition does NOT win, they need to at least gain enough seats in Parliament to have a strong dissenting voice. A check and balance mechanism to the ruling party.

Whatever happens, the need to see PR succeed to some extent (an extent greater than they did in 2008) is apparent.

I wish you and your family all the best. And I hope you and your co-leaders will do what is right to ensure success for opposition coalition, even if it means you are not at the helm.

Your supporter.
