RPK reveals cases of graft, power abuse in S’gor

Raja Petra also wants the state government to explain if there is favouritism in giving legal works to a small group of lawyers who are also PKR leaders

In the first case, Raja Petra claimed that Azmin Ali’s brother-in-law, Johan Taharin had approached a Chinese developer to help gain state approvals for a project, for a fee. In the second case, one which involved alleged conflicts of interest, Raja Petra said legal matters involving the Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) were being given to a group of lawyers who are all PKR leaders.

Free Malaysia Today

Taking up a challenge posed by the PKR-led Selangor government, popular blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin today revealed two cases of alleged abuse of power in the state administration.

The first case involved the brother-in-law of PKR deputy chief Azmin Ali while the other involved several lawyers who are also leaders in the party.

Posting the details of the corruption and conflict of interest in his Malaysia-Today webportal today, Raja Petra said the state government can start investigating these two cases first.

In the first case, Raja Petra claimed that Azmin Ali’s brother-in-law, Johan Taharin had approached a Chinese developer to help gain state approvals for a project, for a fee.

“The developer asked Johan how can they be assured that they would get approval once they paid the money? Can they instead pay after the approval has been obtained rather than pay upfront? After all, they are talking about a few million here, not a small amount of money.

“Johan told the developer that he is representing Azmin Ali and if required he can bring them to meet Azmin so that Azmin can personally give them his assurance. They replied they will think about it,” wrote Raja Petra in his article titled ‘Just DO IT, not DUIT!’.

Raja Petra said the developer did not pay the money, and as a result his project never took off.

“…he swore he was going to campaign against Pakatan Rakyat in the coming general election,” added Raja Petra.

Raja Petra said that he was ready to convince the developer to come public on the matter if the Selangor government was ready to cooperate with the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission

to ensure that the identity of the whistleblower is protected.

“This whistleblower is a Chinese and a developer who depends on state approvals for his company’s projects. So, invariably, he is very concerned about his business being disrupted or sabotaged if his identity is revealed.”

Conflict of interest

In the second case, one which involved alleged conflicts of interest, Raja Petra said legal matters involving the Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) were being given to a group of lawyers who are all PKR leaders.

He said that the MBPJ’s act of favouritism has caused immense unhappiness amongst the other Pakatan Rakyat councillors. He added that these unhappy councillors have decided to remain silent for the sake of ‘party unity’.

Raja Petra named MBPJ councillors Derek Fernandez and Lateefa Koya, MP for Subang R Sivarasa, and PKR vice president of N Surendran as the group of favoured lawyers.


