Azmin: Hasan should ‘stop running his mouth’

(The Malaysian Insider) – PAS should take responsibility for Datuk Dr Hasan Ali’s actions, PKR Deputy President Azmin Ali said today.

“I leave it to PAS to take the appropriate action because this is the sentiment on the ground.

“He has gone against the principles and the spirit of Pakatan Rakyat and as a state executive councillor, he should not make such public statements and without basis,” Azmin told reporters today at the PKR headquarters.

Hasan advised yesterday university students to stay away from the planned mammoth rally in support of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim on Monday.

The former PAS vice president said students were better off focusing their energies on ongoing university exams and not the opposition leader’s sodomy trial, which he characterised as a “personal matter”.

The controversial leader had also stoked the ire of his colleagues in PAS when he criticised the party in Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian as well as on TV3 for purportedly abandoning its Islamist credentials for the sake of political gain.

Azmin said he also hoped that Hasan will “stop running his mouth”.

Hasan Ali sudah buta hati dan buta mata. Hanya mampu mengulangi skrip UMNO. (Hasan Ali is already blind in the heart and in the eyes. [He’s] only able to repeat Umno’s script),” Azmin tweeted in response, yesterday.


