Cops make first arrests linked to ’901′

(The Malaysian Insider) – Police arrested three men, including a reporter from Suara Keadilan, earlier this morning. They were caught spray painting graffiti believed to be connected to Prime Minister’s wife Rosmah Mansor and the ‘Free Anwar 901′ rally.

The three, said to be journalist Sidiqin Omar, and bloggers Mohd Fiqtriey al-Haqimiey @ Kecik, and Ahmad Husni, were hauled up by police at about 6.30am for ‘spray painting’ .

Brickfields district police chief Wan Abdul Bari Wan Abdul Khalid confirmed the arrest of three men.

“They are aged between 26 and 29. They were arrested in connection with spray painting, that’s all I can tell you,” said Wan Abul Bari.

He said the individuals have been remanded and are being investigated under Section 506 and 509 of the Penal Code.

Section 506 is for criminal intimidation and Section 509 is “word or gesture intended to insult the modesty of a person”.

While it is still unconfirmed as to what the trio were ‘spray painting’, rumours are that they were caught drawing the “TTR 901″ code that has been seen around the city in recent days.

It is unclear if there is a single correct interpretation of “TTR”,  the numerical ’901′ however likely refers to the “Free Anwar” mass rally expected to take place at the Jalan Duta court complex on Monday.

The Kuala Lumpur High Court is to deliver its verdict on PKR de facto leader, Anwar Ibrahim’s Sodomy II case.


