Karpal wants quick action

(The Star) – Disciplinary action against Penang Deputy Chief Minister II Dr P. Ramasamy should not be delayed, said DAP chairman Karpal Singh.

“As the nature of the complaints against Ramasamy is very serious, the matter should be resolved soon.

“Ramasamy should also be given every right to be heard,” Karpal said.

He said this when asked to comment on complaints lodged against Ramasamy for defying the party’s gag order and allegedly staging a rowdy demonstration during a recent party convention, among others.

Ramasamy had allegedly defied a gag ordered imposed by a high-powered party committee to stem the war of words between him and Karpal.

“We leave it to the disciplinary committee to investigate the complaints and do the needful.

“They (the disciplinary committee) may feel awkward having to question the Deputy Chief Minister,” Karpal added.

On Jan 2, a group of people called on Ramasamy to step down as Penang Hindu Endowment Board chairman for allegedly allowing a car wash and used car sales outlet to be set up on a piece of land belonging to the Mariamman temple in Jalan Telaga Air.

