That three-initialled royal

The Malaysian public has yet to declare that being gay is acceptable, never mind about a gay prime minister. Anyone who believes otherwise should take a look at the Merdeka Center polls asking Malaysians whether or not they believe in religious authority and punishment during Kartika’s case.

Hafidz Baharom, The Malaysian Insider

The first piece of news that has basically turned the political punditry in this country upside down in the year 2012 involves that three-initialled royal. I am of course referring to Raja Petra Kamarudin.

First of all, allow me to state the obvious. I wrote something a few years back criticising the infamous “Uncle Pete” for cutting and running to the United Kingdom, literally calling him yellow in comparison to Irene Fernandez. And, of course, RPK being RPK picked up on that piece and highlighted it on Malaysia Today.

What I found truly amusing was that The Star bore the brunt of his criticism, with every single blogger who read his piece stating that the newspaper had dropped in its standard of journalism before even bothering to check that it was in the “Opinion” section. Just goes to show that bloggers are just as ignorant and emotional as politicians when it comes to hubris, I guess.

Now, it is three years later. He once said that through the Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement (MCLM), he would not hesitate to criticise Pakatan Rakyat if they did anything wrong. As such, was it really a surprise when he suddenly came out with guns blazing against Anwar Ibrahim?

To brand someone as morally corrupt may have been a tad bit strong, especially if that person is Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Personally I would never call Anwar morally corrupt. I would say he is morally bankrupt. True, he is a brilliant orator. But with two sodomy trials, as well as that video which allegedly shows him sleeping with a Thai woman, morality is not Anwar Ibrahim’s strong suit, regardless of his links to the World Bank.

Wolfowitz can’t help him with this one.

Let’s look at things in a civilised manner, shall we?

Anwar, for all the good he has done for PKR, has nothing more to offer. In fact, come January 9 he will probably bring down the entire PKR with him. I come to this conclusion with a simple question in mind. Who is his successor in PKR? Azmin Ali? Nurul Izzah? N. Surendran perhaps?

No. We have not seen anyone in PKR who can take the helm, and as much as I’d like to see Elizabeth Wong kick ass and make the entire party scrap the idea of political posters to save the environment, it is not going to happen. In fact, you can compare Anwar with Tun Mahathir in this aspect.

How many deputies did each of them lose again?

And while you are thinking about that one, give me another few column inches to explain why PKR is in fact the weakest link in Pakatan Rakyat.


