Prosecution can still appeal, Ibrahim Ali reminds Anwar

(The Malaysian Insider) – Perkasa president Datuk Ibrahim Ali has cautioned Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim against an early celebration over his Sodomy II acquittal today, reminding the opposition leader that the prosecution could still appeal the decision.

“I believe the public prosecutor will file an appeal to be fair to (Mohd) Saiful (Bukhari Azlan), the complainant who claimed to being sodomised by Anwar.

“Yet, even if the prosecution appeals, the process of justice is still incomplete. After the Court of Appeal, there is still the Federal Court. So everything is still not final,” Ibrahim said in a short statement here.

The High Court today acquitted Anwar of a charge of sodomising Mohd Saiful, his former aide, three years ago. Judge Datuk Mohd Zabidin Mohd Diah ruled that the prosecution had not done enough to prove the senior politician had sodomised the youth.

The decision, which comes amid speculation of an impending general election, was celebrated by thousands of opposition supporters who turned up in droves at the High Court complex early this morning to await the decision.

Anwar and his battalion of followers from PKR and the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) pact he leads have agreed the decision vindicates him and clears his desired path towards Putrajaya.


