“PKR Will Accept Any Decision by Court As Legal System Is Corrupted”

(MALAYSIAN DIGEST) – Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) vice president Fuziah Salleh said they will accept whatever decision made by the court in its the impending verdict on the Sodomy II trial today as the party knows that the country’s system is already “corrupted”.

“We gather here today to show that the country’s system is already ruined.

“Not just the judicial system but social, education and others as well,” said Fuziah in front of 3,000 crowds who have already gathered at the Jalan Duta Court parking lot.

She said whatever the verdict, it would still inflict a “headache” on Umnos because she claimed that if the accused Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim ends up in jail, then the country’s judiciary system will be laughed at by the international community.

She said PKR will keep moving forward despite Umno’s the relentless onslaughts against Pakatan Rakyat and its leaders.

“So today I would like to tell you that in times of trouble, the ‘Wanita’ (PKR) will always be consistent,” said Fuziah who is also the member of parliament for Kuantan.

She stressed that the next general election will not be a contest between Barisan Nasional (BN) and Pakatan, but between the rakyat and an oppressive government.

“The rakyat will fight a government that is cruel… the rakyat is the judge of the country, and the rakyat will demand Putrajaya,” she added.

The Kuala Lumpur High Court will be delivering its verdict on Anwar’s second sodomy trial today.

Anwar, 64, faces 20 years in prison if found guilty of sodomizing a 24-year-old former male aide Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan in 2008, a charge that he has been continuously denied and claimed was conspired by political foes.

