901 – The day everything backfired!

rights2write (R2W)

  • PKR strategist never planned for Anwar acquittal. From a political angle, they had wished that the court would find him guilty. They wanted to bring 100K people but only 5K turn up. They wanted to show their protest and had hoped that the police would act aggressively so that they can capitalize on the issue. The police shocked them by granting them the approval. Despite signing a conditional approval, they twisted the police approval with several series of press release and attacked the KL police. Between a twisted tongue of a politician and the police, I would believe the police.
  • PKR leaders had rehearsed on what need to be said upon the court decision if the court finds Anwar guilty. They have a written script in their pocket. That script became irrelevant and eventually ends up in a dustbin. The court decision has probably affected their planning and strategy for the next few months up to next GE. All those strategy prepared in advance are now useless. They cannot get votes on sympathy and could not attack the judiciary. Everything has gone into disarray.


