And now on towards the 13th General Election! ABU

If Anwar aspires to be Prime Minister of Malaysia then he must understand that in the times that we live in, nothing he does is just his business. Where he goes, what he does and how he lives his life has been and will continue to be scrutinized and examined in minute detail.

By steadyaku47

Not just a pretty face….


In her lies our future. Anwar and Azizah has been blessed. Sometimes nature is not kind and the good genes from the parents that should be passed down to their own children skipped a generation or two. We need to look no further then Najib, Hishamuddin and Mukriz….all children of Prime Ministers and yet no one would quibble with me if I say that in these three their father’s genes skipped a generation – though in Mahathir’s case who would want to be passed on the genes of a Machiavellian! Them are the way the cookies crumble! Just because your child got distinctions in their exams does not make you a genius – and as we now know, having a Prime Minister as your father does not make you a Nurrul Izzah!
Pakatan Rakyat are also truly blessed with Guan Eng and Gobind Singh Deo. The got the best part of their parents genes. I guess those whom the Gods are angry with are not similarly blessed. And yet these guys in UMNO are always going on about what they have done for Islam in Malaysia. These must be some failure to communicate this information to those whose job it is to take note of all these things that UMNO does in the name of Islam and the Malays. Or are they fools to think that the malikat (angels) will close one eye and shut the other to their thieving, plundering and pillaging of our country? A thief is still a thief even in Mecca!
Our beloved country is now crumbling from within… beginning to fall apart from the excesses, larceny and nepotism of those in power. Citizens are being told that they are no longer citizens and yet are instructed to behave and be loyal to a nation that has already told them to leave if they wanted to. The Malays themselves are a race divided as UMNO divide and rule to gain votes. 
It is a wonder that each race have not started to look within itself for its own salvation. That each race still believes that our salvation would be for all of us to live as one people.
It is a wonder that religious radicals has not seek to replace that shared national awareness amongst all the races with their own brand of religious isolation, fervor and extremism that people are drawn to as they begin to feel more prosecuted by forces beyond their control….in Malaysia’s case by its own government!
But our people have already long ago started to ask themselves if they will allow this Barisan Nasional government to govern them anymore.
So why, when we have already started on this journey of self awareness are so many of us confused and full of questions as to where are we going? How are we going to get there? Who are with us? And who will lead us?
I do not have the answers but let us look at a few of those issues that divide us in the opposition – us that wants ABU.

The first divisive issue we need to address is Anwar Ibrahim. My stand on Anwar is simply this. If Anwar aspires to be Prime Minister of Malaysia then he must understand that in the times that we live in, nothing he does is just his business. Where he goes, what he does and how he lives his life has been and will continue to be scrutinized and examined in minute detail. If he is not careful even his private conversation will be uploaded on to the net. And of course it goes without saying that his sexual preferences is no longer just his business but also ours. So please do not allow yourself to be put in situations which can be exploited by UMNO. Behave yourself. That is the price you pay when you aspire to be the Prime Minister of a country with Islam as its official religion. Do that and maybe we that want Pakatan Rakyat in government will take you as King and not insists that you only be a Kingmaker!  

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