Islamic Nations

That is the problem with the Islamic countries. They are thought to obey Allah and safe their brothers and sisters from threat. Infidels die to save the religion values. Somehow, they cannot advice their allies to stop killing. They like to point fingers to others but refuse to co-operate among themselves to save the Islam civilization.

The Lost Aborigine in his own Country Home

1. The whole Islamic countries condemn Israel for “murdering” the Muslims in Palestine. The Jews are called “Ruthless Zionist” and some of the Islamic leaders accuse USA for being their allied to wipe out the Muslim at West Bank.

2. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad have made a statement that Iran is capable to erase Israel from the world map with only one blast. What made Iran a strong Islamic country today is not by their good relationship with others but the president’s arrogant in showing his nuclear weapon power.

3. Pakistan is now has to review its relationship with US after Osama Bin Laden death near it border and the Chinook attack on the US troops. Benazir Bhutto and her husband were accused of being too pro-American. She was slain and now Taliban is asking to be part of the government.

4. What is happening in Syria could not be ignored by the Islamic nations and they should do something to stop a Muslim man shooting his citizens.  Bashar Al- Assad must be brought to justice for the sake of the Muslims safety and liberty. Arab League is a week body to take care of the problem as they could solve any problem with people revolution.  Foreign media and terrorist are to blame in any death tragedy of the people. 

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