‘Please don’t join Umno’

PAS leaders hope expelled Hasan Ali uses other platforms to fight for Islam 

(The Malay Mail) – While most of his comrades respect his decision not to appeal against his sacking by PAS, they are pleading with former Selangor PAS commissioner Datuk Dr Hasan Ali not to join Umno.

PAS Youth chief Nasruddin Hassan Tantawi said there were other platforms for Hasan to continue his vision and mission in his Islamic political struggle.

“Hasan can still join other NGOs championing Islamic causes, it’s not necessary for him to join the right wing,” he told The Malay Mail.

Nasruddin felt sad that Hasan would not be making an appeal against his sacking.

“Surely I will lose a good friend in our political struggle. I hope he will change his mind and come back to us,” he said.

Nasruddin said there had been cases of former PAS leaders leaving the party and rejoining it later.

“Our former party secretary, Datuk Abu Bakar Hamzah, had also made opposing views and was sacked by the party but he returned later,” he said.

PAS information chief Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man said the party constitution allowed Hasan to appeal within 30 days of his sacking on Jan 8.

“If he doesn’t appeal during that period, his termination will stay,” he said.

“However, after that period, he can still apply for PAS membership like any other individual and it will be decided by the PAS supreme council or Syura council.”

Tuan Ibrahim said the party would not be sending any committee members to meet Hasan to get him to re-consider his appeal decision.

Another vice-president, Salahuddin Ayub, said Hasan was matured enough to make his own decision.

“He has it in his clear mind whether he wants to appeal or not,” he said.

PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu echoed Salahuddin’s views, saying that Hasan’s decision was his own stand.

“I wish him success in all his future undertakings,” he said.

Yesterday, Hasan had said he would not make any appeal after being sacked by PAS on Jan 8 for his strong stand on Islam.

The former party vice-president and Selangor liaison chief had said his soul would not allow him to appeal to remain in the party.

On Saturday, Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim had said the Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, had consented to Hasan’s termination as the state exco’s head of Islamic affairs, Malay customs, infrastructure and public amenities.

