Talks with PKR will go on, says SAPP

It appears that SAPP is not prepared to put its faith in Jeffery Kitingan’s leadership.

(Free Malaysia Today) – Sabah Progressive People’s Party (SAPP) will not compromise its individual right to negotiate with any party that shares its eight-point declaration issued in 2008 for the return of the state’s fundamental rights.

Allaying rumours of trouble between the Jeffrey Kitingan-led State Reform Party (STAR), Sabah chapter, and itself, SAPP information chief Chong Pit Fah said: “We are receptive to STAR.”

“There is no trouble. We are open to further discussions with STAR so that the combined opposition can achieve maximum results in the general election.

“We are committed to fighting for autonomy for Sabah and respect for the letter and spirit of the Malaysia Agreement 1963 and therefore subscribe to the Borneo Agenda.

“But we will continue talks with PKR. SAPP has gone a long way in its relationship with PKR ever since 2008 when SAPP left the ruling coalition and joined the opposition rank.”

“Discussions with PKR – on reaching a winnable formula for the combined opposition in Sabah – have reached an advanced stage,” Chong said in an apparent reference to concerns over SAPP’s loyalty to the Borneo Alliance, a loose coalition poised to be led by STAR

Jeffrey, who was formerly PKR vice-president, quit the party in 2010. He then went on to establish United Borneo Front (UBF), an NGO which championed Borneo rights and the reinstatement of the 20-point Malaysia Agreement.

Since then he has steadily worked the ground promoting his Borneo Agenda. Earlier this month, the Sabah Chapter of STAR was officially launched here and witnessed by a 4,000-strong crowd.

The turnout shocked leaders from both sides of the political divide who had until then described Jeffrey’s political influence as “waning”.


