TBH vs NFC: The winner is?

Dear Pete,

You know this whole incident with the NFC cow scandal will come to nothing. When Teoh Beng Hock was suspected of some money missing (not more than RM5,000), he was remanded and forced into all sorts of things until this young man lost his life.

We all know that they then did a big cover up on this case because it involved the police and thus the Ministry which the Prime Minister’s cousin Hishammuddin was in charge of most if not all decisions. During that time, they did not even allow Teoh Beng Hock any time leave to call his family. But in the case of Sharizat, who is related to Hishammuddin through the marriage of Sharizat’s niece to Hishammuddin’s younger brother, they allow Sharizat not only time to phone her relatives but time to go around freely to cover up their crimes.

Why do we stomach all this? Anything but UMNO. And I am beginning to appreciate PAS calling that voting for UMNO is a sure path to hell. These bunch of criminals in UMNO should all be sent on leave. Permanent leave so that we can dig and find out the truth of all these sinful and murderous people.

Just think about it. How many people have died in the hands of the Prime Minister and his relatives, and his extended relatives now wants to insult our intelligence by saying that buying a condo is actually related to the cow business. What’s there to investigate? If the Minister or even the Prime Minister does not stop this nonsense, we should stop them dead in their track at this PRU-13.

Malaysians should be one in mind and heart to throw Sharizat inside the slammer and bring justice to Teoh Beng Hock. That is what One Malaysia should be truly about. Just as Saddam and Gaddafi was tried and found guilty. We should make sure that the people up there in high places who gave the instruction should be made fully accountable for their actions and instructions. One Malaysia without UMNO.

Thank You.

Teoh Boon Peng


Monday January 16, 2012

‘Business as usual’ for NFC despite assets being frozen

KUALA LUMPUR: Despite having its assets frozen, it is “business as usual” for the National Feedlot Corporation Sdn Bhd (NFC).

Its executive director Wan Shahinur Izmir Salleh said beef would continue to be supplied and all orders would also be fulfilled.

In reassuring its clients, employees and vendors, Wan Shahinur said there was no disruption to its daily operations.

“In fact, our assets have been frozen by the relevant authorities since December, last year.

“In our efforts to facilitate smooth and thorough investigations, we have extended our fullest co-operation from the outset.

“As such, I would like to reassure clients, vendors as well as our employees that they would continue to be served and gainfully employed,” he said in a statement yesterday.

The statement added that NFC supplied beef to more than 160 customers, including hypermarkets, supermarkets, mini markets, wet markets, processed meat manufacturers, hotels, restaurants and cafes.

The company also clarified that its 4,500 heads of cattle at its centre in Negri Sembilan would continue to be nurtured to meet the country’s beef supply target and objectives of the National Meat Policy.

It had also received a further import shipment of 1,500 heads of cattle from Australia.

