Hata Wahari why DAP why not PKR?


Hata Wahari has been with Utusan Malaysia for 16 years! Enam Belas Tahun!

In January 2011 Utusan Malaysia (aka News without Truth!) suspended Hata Wahari  alleging that Hata Wahari had brought the newspaper into disrepute and insulted its management. How anybody could drag Utusan Malaysia deeper into the abyss it is already in is debatable, but you cannot fault the management of Utusan Malaysia for not trying! Committing Hari Kiri seems to be about the only noble thing left for Utusan Malaysia‘s management to do given their inability to do anything else that could advance the noble profession of journalism – especially their own!

Fast forward January 2012: Hata Wahari joins DAP! 

It is one thing to have politicians ‘follow their conscience and jump political ship from time to time but another to have a senior journalist from a main stream media beholden to UMNO do the same thing. That he was also then President of the National Union of Journalist simply compounds what UMNO did! In this context UMNO is the United Malay National Organization and also Utusan Malaysia No Otak! All the signs of a failed MSM is there for all to see.

That Hata Wahari would be in the ranks of Pakatan Rakyat is a given – it was simply a matter of where he would park himself with. 

In March 2011 Nurrul made the following announcement:  


