Mob disrupts ABU/Hindraf talk, one hurt

Organisers believe that the assailants, who had caused serious injuries to at least one person, were linked to Umno.

A rowdy mob gatecrashed a ceramah organised by Anything But Umno (ABU)/Hindraf in Jalan Kebun here, causing serious injury to at least one person earlier tonight.

Organisers told FMT that one of the volunteers at the ceramah was badly assaulted and had to be rushed to the hospital.

The incident happened at about 9.15pm when the ceramah was about to start.

About 30 attackers, waving sticks and helmets, rode their motorcycles into the ceramah venue – a hall – and rammed into participants and chairs.

Others had followed on foot and were allegedly ‘causing havoc’ by tossing chairs, throwing away ABU brochures, and hurling insults at participants, demanding for them to leave.

Organiser and ceramah participants believe the attackers were linked to Umno.

“I believe they were Umno people. They had the BN and Umno flags, and were wearing Umno t-shirts,” said one participant who alerted FMT of the incident.

“There was some arguments and one boy was badly beaten by the unruly youths using helmets,” said Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Suaram) executive director E Nalini who was there to observe the ceramah.

She said the group left the venue when a couple of police patrol cars arrived. She added that the group however loitered outside the hall, shouting slogans and ignoring the policemen.


