‘Elite Malay leadership cheating community’

The majority of grassroots successful Malays have succeed on their own account, with no Umno help.

Please look around you. The top leadership of Malays from kings to district officers, to head of departments, the army, the police down to the lowly paid peons and thambys, are all Malays. They have the means to develop Malays. Yet the lot of the majority Malays hasn’t improved substantially. But the lot of our own (Malay) Super 30 (as in ruling elite) has improved tremendously.

Mohd Ariff Sabri Aziz, Free Malaysia Today

Many have realised that the struggle to preserve the 30% quota of privileges has never expanded into the universal struggle for the economic emancipation of Malays.

I want to repeat this observation. The penury of the majority Malays is not the result of greedy others (read non-Malays) taking a larger share of the economic pie.

We have been taken for a ride believing in this.

The causes for the continued misdevelopment of Malays are likely to be found in the actions and behaviour of the Malay leadership.

The Malay leadership at all levels have not acted in the interest of Malays actually.

Please look around you. The top leadership of Malays from kings to district officers, to head of departments, the army, the police down to the lowly paid peons and thambys, are all Malays. They have the means to develop Malays.

Yet the lot of the majority Malays hasn’t improved substantially. But the lot of our own (Malay) Super 30 (as in ruling elite) has improved tremendously.

There can only be one conclusion – the elite leadership calling for the magic number of 30 has been helping themselves to the pie and excluding the majority of Malays.

Umno’s bribed sycophants

The majority Malays have improved on account of themselves.

They have turned themselves into capital goods in the sense of having acquired the skills and education to pull themselves up.

It is strange – the Umno progressives who fight vehemently against the dismantling of the 30% are in fact fighting on behalf of the real exploiters of the Malays.

Hence, it is they, not those who decry and call for economic liberalisations who are the bribed sycophants of the old bourgeoisie.

These people are hiding behind the tired and over-used phrase of Malay supremacy. The real supremacy of Malays must be fought in the realm of economics.

The answer to Malay prosperity may well lie in the basic building blocks of economic advancement.

These can be summarised into four broad headings – mass production, the application of science to production, the passion for productivity and the spirit of competition.

These were the views by a leading teacher of economics at Harvard University, William E Rappard.


