Dr M: Ministers and kin should declare assets to MACC

(The Malaysian Insider) – Ministers as well as their families should declare all assets to graftbusters in the interest of honesty and transparency, former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said today.

“It’s good to declare (assets) to a body that doesn’t have any political interests and is neutral,” Bernama quoted him as saying at a Chinese New Year gathering organised by MCA here. 

Cabinet ministers currently declare their assets to the prime minister and not the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC), as has been suggested by the national anti-graft body’s advisory board. 

But Dr Mahathir said such declarations should not be made public as doing so would invite speculation and slander. 

“If made known to the public, all sorts of allegations and slander will arise. We do not want that to happen. The public will then only pay attention to that and not national unity and development,” he said. 

He added that ministers who refused to declare their assets to the MACC should resign or be sacked.


