Ex-PKR leaders dares Anwar to sue them over moral allegations

(Malaysian Digest) – Former Angkatan Muda Keadilan (AMK) leaders have come out to dare Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to sue them over their allegations concerning the Opposition leader’s moral character, reported Utusan Malaysia.

Mohd Zahid Md Arip, Ezam Mohd Noor and SD Johari Yasin.Mohd Zahid Md Arip, Ezam Mohd Noor and SD Johari Yasin.Among the ex-PKR Youth leaders who challenged Anwar are former Ketua Angkatan Muda Keadilan (AMK) chief, Ezam Mohd Noor; former AMK deputy, Mohd Zahid Md Arip and former AMK secretary, SD Johari Yasin.

The Umno-owned Malay daily reported that Anwar’s former personal aide, Anuar Shaari and former AMK member, Hamizun Khairuddin had also voiced out their challenge to Anwar.

According to the report, the former Opposition members questioned why Anwar has only sued media such as Utusan Malaysia while they (the former PKR leaders) were among the first to expose Anwar’s questionable moral character to the public.
Ezam said Anwar’s decision to take legal action against the media was more of a political gimmick and not to uphold the truth as he (Ezam) believes his former party chief is afraid to face the truth.

“If he really intends to uphold the truth why didn’t he just sue Datuk Shazryl Eskay Abdullah; Datuk S Nallakaruppan and Umi Hafilda Ali who have clearly exposed issues concerning his moral character?” the daily quoted Ezam as saying when contacted today.

Meanwhile, Anuar stressed that he is also ready to be sued by the Opposition leader for exposing the latter’s questionable moral character.
“Since we left PKR until now our stand against this (opposition) leader  haven’t changed. However, to this day he (Anwar) have not dared to sue us,’’Anuar said.

He said that Anwar’s action in suing the media was to deny the truth and add more pressure against pro-government media.

“He is actually trying to regain the people’s trust because the people have started to lose their confidence on him because of his moral issue,’’ he said.

Mohd Zahid, meanwhile, claimed that Anwar is a coward for not being brave enough to take the accusers who had exposed his wrongdoings to court.

“Anwar is (not brave enough) to do that because he doesn’t want those involved (in his alleged wrongdoings) in court.

“Anwar’s actions really strayed afar if he really had intended to clear his name,’’ said Mohd Zahid.

Meanwhile, SD Johari said he had previously exposed Anwar’s moral character through YouTube in 2006, however, there has not been any legal action taken by Anwar over the video footage.

“Why hasn’t he sued when my statements against him can still be viewed by everyone?’’ he said.

On Friday, Anwar filed a RM50 million suit against Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd for defamation for allegedly stating that he had called for homosexuality to be legalized.

Anwar said the defendants had falsely and maliciously printed words that defamed him in the front page of Utusan Malaysia under the heading “Tolak Anwar – Hassan” (Reject Anwar) on 17 January.

