Next MB of Kedah


Today is ‘Thinking-out-of-the-Box’ Day, otherwise known as ‘Big Spoon’* Day.

* Big Spoon = sh*t stirring – one needs a big spoon to stir well wakakaka

The ‘spoon’ for today is “Mukhriz Mahathir for MB Kedah” wakakaka.

And why not?

After all, Daddy was from there, though admittedly in 1969 Dr M lost his federal seat or Kota Setar Selatan to Yusof Rawa of PMIP (as PAS was then called) in the original ABU, no thanks to those bloody Chinamen who ABU-ed for PMIP instead of UMNO and left him with a bitter taste, which might have led to his quarrel with Tunku and his expulsion from UMNO.

Despite Kedah being his home state, Dr M was highly marginalized and deliberately ignored/boycotted by his erstwhile kutu-ampu’s (fellow Kedahans) during AAB’s premiership, this time no thanks to the famed ‘loyalty’ of UMNO members, wakakaka.

Anyway, as we know, Mukhriz is eyeing a future PM-ship. There have been rumours that, after the UMNO-initiated fall of Najib, he will be nursed by wannabe-PM Muhyiddin and Hishamuddin until he assumes the No 1 political position in Malaysia in accordance with UMNO’s 2nd Da Vinci code, namely the M-A-H-A-T-H-I-R code-legend, not unlike the now fulfilled R-A-H-M-A-N code-legend.

So the M-A-H-A-T-H-I-R code-legend will supposedly see the following PMs after Najib:

1 – Muhyiddin
2 – Ali Rustam – maybe, otherwise how the heck will we be able to satisfy the ‘A’, unless we insert Anwar here, wakakaka
3 – Hishamuddin
4 – A ….. dei, wait a minute, where’s the required ‘M’ for Mukhriz?

So maybe he is not destined to be a PM unless we revert to a second round of the R-A-H-M-A-N legend, so that, after Najib, we have as PM:

1 – Rustam – f* Muhyiddin, after all, if Ali Rustam was not deliberately sidelined in a pre-2008 party elections on cause of money politics, he would have become the DPM in 2008
2 – A = ??? Again, this ‘A’ is a bit of a buggeration. I am sure many in PKR believe it’s for Anwar wakakaka – maybe we can make Ali Rustam fill this slot again, wakakaka
3 – Hishamuddin
4 – Mukhriz
Etc etc

I’ve attempted toying with the R-A-Z-A-K code but I couldn’t fit dear Mukhriz in – mind you, it’ll make most patriotic subsurface-mariner Zahid Hamidi smile.

But I think a better bet for Mukhriz is to go for MB, to accrue experience and stature so that by the time he’s 50 to 55 he will be ready for federal politics and the premiership, …

… in the way RPK has proposed for Nurul Izzah, with a stint as DCM Penang, but not Selangor because Khalid Ibrahim claimed in 2008 that Selangor doesn’t need a deputy MB, principally because he didn’t want to offend PAS or HRH by having C-cube* Teresa Kok as deputy MB. So, logically, if Teresa could not, how could Nurul? Mind, there’s mucho double standards and no assured logic in Malaysian politics.

* C-cube = Christian, Chinese, Charbor (female)

Besides, we know UMNO is currently not doing well at federal level so perhaps a managed hiatus in federal politics for Mukhriz may not be ill conceived.


