Datuk Wong was killed, claims Raja Petra

Blogger promises a series of exposés

(NST) – Malaysia Today blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin has raised questions on the death of Datuk Patrick Wong (photograph above), whom he claimed had been gathering evidence on the sand mining scandal in Selangor a few years ago.

   Raja Petra said Wong, the former president of the Master Builders Association Malaysia (MBAM)  was murdered in 2009 by hired killers and not because of a robbery that went bad as the police had claimed.

   He said he had the official story which was described as “full of holes”.

   “The doctor’s report says the cause of Patrick’s death was a blunt force trauma to the head with compression of the neck,” he said in his blog yesterday.

   He claimed his “Deep Throats” had told him Wong was strangled and then thrown off the balcony.

   “The police said he accidentally fell while trying to escape. How do they then account for the compression of the neck (strangulation marks) if he accidentally fell from the balcony?” he asked.

   Wong, who fell into a coma, died a few days later while being treated at a private hospital.

   Raja Petra promised more exposés on sand mining scandals, corruption and abuse of power that gripped the Parti Keadilan Rakyat-led state government on the evidence he had gathered for the past three years.

   “In the next episode, I will reveal the details behind the Selangor sand mining syndicate with names and evidence of payments made to certain Pakatan Rakyat leaders.”

   He added he could not be certain if Wong was killed because his good friend “was getting too close to the truth about what is going on in Selangor, or even if his murder had anything to do with the sand mining syndicate in the first place”.

   Corruption allegations against Pakatan Rakyat-led Selangor were not new and Raja Petra had raised the matter during his two-hour exclusive interview with the New Sunday Times previously.

   He had told the NST that corruption still occurred in Selangor based on the people’s feedback, especially from the business fraternity.

   “There is no reduction in corruption. People still have to pay under the table to get things done, and that’s the most important thing we (the Pakatan Rakyat) are fighting for, good governance. So, we fail on that score.”
