Mat Suhaimi and the continuing saga of corruption in PKR!


As PKR scrambles to defend itself from these allegations of corruption now being hurled at them by Petra. As the leadership within PKR tries to prepare a credible defence against what has already been put out onto the public domain. As each and every self interest party of opportunistic UMNO goons led by the Main Stream Media and all other self appointed blogger that is fighting for the truth (in as long as it serves UMNO’s purpose!). While all this is happening around you…I ask that common sense prevails.

This is not a sodomy two situation where Pakatan Rakyat leaders did nothing more then wait for the verdict to be handed down by the courts.

This is a fait accompali… have already changed hands. Cheques and bank records can and should be requisitioned to determined or dispel the notion that the money had actually changed hands. Taped telephone conversations can be verified. And ROC records are available to confirm Petra’s allegations.

It would be for PKR’s benefit, not ours, if PKR start with the premise that they will not take us for fools. PKR should not start their defence of these allegations by asking us to believe that the Azmin they talk about is Azmin Mohd Karim and not Azmin Ali.

“RPK terkeliru di antara dua personaliti yang mempunyai nama yang sama iaitu Azmin Ali dan Azmin Mohd Karim iaitu pegawai di Pusat Khidmat saya,” kata Shuhaimi dalam sidang media di ibu pejabat PKR di sini hari ini yang turut dihadiri rakan sejawatnya Amiruddin.

As Mahathir asked of KJ…”Siapa dia Khairi Jamuldiin ni?” may I ask the same of this Azmin Mohd Karim. “Siapa dia ni Azmin Karim?” that he would figure prominently in conversations between his ‘BOSS’ and someone who seems to be very generous with his money as they talk about 100 acres of land for mining sand and RM$50,000 contribution for God knows what purposes! You go through that conversation again between  Suhaimi and SC and work out for yourself howcome this Azmin “sedang collect duit untuk pilehanraya?” Come on lah…..!

As follows is the tapped telephone conversation between Mat Suhaimi (telephone number 019-6185239) and SC (telephone number 019-3958888) on 6th January 2010.


